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Coronavirus Update for our clients

Our office will be open by appointment only (as usual).  We will be cleaning surfaces multiple times daily.

If you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments, it would be in your best interest to stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary to go out.

Please stay home if you or anyone in your household is sick in order to protect others.

We can offer phone consultations for those of you who need to stay home.

If any of the staff feel they are coming down with something, we will close the office and those who have appointments will be notified.   Please note that pollen is high and allergy symptoms are not contagious (not every sniffle or sneeze is the coronavirus).

Things you can do:

Wash hands often   -         Avoid touching your face   -         Stay hydrated         -      Get adequate sleep   Practice deep breathing   -           Gargle with salt water before you go out and when you get back home (at least twice daily)  -  Wipe down anything that gets touched a lot (door handles, faucets, steering wheel, etc.)

Avoid eating foods that cause mucus to form in your throat (dairy, sugar, white flour, animal protein) Mucus creates a great environment for virus to set up camp…the virus can live up to four days in the throat before it moves down into the lungs – this is where you can stop it by gargling with salt water a couple of times a day. 

Make sure to take your ReBalance, ReAbsorb, Superfood (or Starwest Greenpower or Essentials for Life), and your other recommended supplements consistently      

Silver Shield kills 650 different micro-organisms within 6 minutes of contact (coronavirus is one of the viruses that colloidal silver has effectively killed) Silver has been effective against the SARS virus and the MERS virus in the past – this is awesome – however, COVID-19 is a new virus and although I believe Silver Shield will kill it, we do not know for sure if it will kill this particular coronavirus mutation.  I personally have Silver on hand in case I feel I am coming down with something. 

Don’t get sucked into the panic – our bodies are amazing and even though most of the population will catch this virus and experience very mild symptoms, only those who have impaired immune systems and/or underlying health concerns such as congestive heart failure, impaired kidney function, COPD, asthma, etc. are the ones at risk for potentially serious ramifications – we can protect them by staying away from them during this time.  

Please note that: Anti-bacterial soap is not needed to kill virus – ANY soap works to clean the germs from your hands – use it!



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